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All skill levels are welcome to apply. Below you can find our application procedure and introductory program information.

S.T.A.R. in the Martial Arts

A Character Development Program for Young Students
Academic Superstar Patch and Stars

S.T.A.R. is an award system available to all enrolled junior students. Each term, students turn in their report cards. If a student's report card proves that he or she has been showing good effort at school, the student is awarded a patch that is sewn onto the right shoulder of their uniform. On the second good report card, the student will receive a smaller, red star to be sewn on near the patch.


About the S.T.A.R. Program

S.T.A.R. is a character education program developed by the Jefferson Center for Character Education, located in Pasadena, California. The Jefferson Center is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization founded in 1963 with the express purpose of teaching character education in both public and private schools. The Jefferson center developed the S.T.A.R. program, currently used by over five thousand schools and fifty thousand classrooms across the country, and it has reached nearly two million students.


In 1995 S.T.A.R. was adapted to Martial Arts Training, through Mike Rozumek, a prominent member of the local Uechi Ryu community. The program 'S.T.A.R. in the Martial Arts' has since become an award winning addition to the curriculum of over six hundred martial arts schools nation wide, with more dojos implementing the program every year.



S.T.A.R. revolves around these ideas:


  1. Stop before you act.

  2. Think about the consequences of your actions/reactions.

  3. Act responsibly and let your conscience be your guide.

  4. Review your actions and reactions and learn from them.



S.T.A.R. in the Martial Arts is a simple, yet extremely valuable way of helping parents "bring home" the values demonstrated by the Instructors at the dojo. Every month there is a theme and a simple activity to go with the theme. Once the student completes this activity, the parents of the student have the option to sign the "S.T.A.R. Application Form". If the form is returned on time and the student has demonstrated proper attitude, progress, and attandance at the dojo, he or she will receive their S.T.A.R. Pin.


There are eleven numbered S.T.A.R. pins. A student can earn one pin each month. When a student earns his or her second pin, the number "1" pin is replaced with the number "2" pin and so on. Once a student has earned his or her eleventh pin, the student then works towards his/her yearly pin. This is done in the same fashion as all the other pins, but once attained, the yearly pin is kept.



While the order changes somewhat from year to year and some themes are added and subtracted, the typical line-up of the monthly themes is listed below:


  • How Can I Achieve A Goal?

  • How Do I Show Confidence?

  • The Three Laws of Concentration

  • The 8 Virtues of a Black Belt

  • The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance

  • Attitude vs. Aptitude

  • Training or Practice?

  • S.T.A.R.

  • How Do I Use My Karate at School?

  • How Can I Demonstrate Peace Love and Sharing to My Family and Friends?

  • How Can I Be of Service to My Family and Friends?


75 Portsmouth Avenue, Exeter, NH   |   |   (603) 583-7793

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© 2022 by Randall School of Karate. Webmaster and Web Design: Kyle Randall. Graphic design by Shelby MacLeod.

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